When I was coming up with the story, it was done in one of the darkest times of my life. Sometimes great things can come from low places in life is what I learned over the years producing movies, campaigns, music videos, etc...it was a time where I thought I need something again to inspire me.
To lift my fire again and charge forward. I've always been a leader. In fact, throughout my career I have always been the one to carry the torch through the dark night and lead the pack of those who we're not as courageous or maybe they just didn't see the path like I could.
This story is about redemption. It is about heart, passion and drive in the human spirit. Hopefully even more than that to others who may be in a low place or clutching at things to find that boost to rise up and ignite what's inside again.
The main character is in that same place. What he finds out is he is far more than he ever imagined. And all I can think is, would he have known that he is destined for greatness and would I have known there was something brewing again if I had given up If I didn't grab my sword and lead the charge once again to find out is all that matters now.
by Jefferson Keith Langley