The Nemesis

Evil comes in many shapes and sizes. In fact, most people should be careful because the devil can show up in forms shrouded in a veil of secrecy in plain sight. When the prisons of long ago started selling off their prisoners as work force, everyone knew it was a bad idea. But politicians and wealthy one percenters never thought it would ever affect them until it did. It changed everything forever.
And one thing is for certain when push comes to shove, there is no greater survival than inside the confines of a prisoner's mind. Like lab rats in a cage they will strike with venom and violence to free themselves from threat even it means the magnitude of destruction will increase.
The man who ultimately covered up the debacle now has a grandson. He is cut from the same cloth and doing everyhting he can to cover up a dark secret of the past that haunts his family and could tarnish everything generations of their family name have worked so hard for. The guinea pigs would be far more vicious than ever predicted.
These Rattus norvegicus domestica used for experiments would be replaced with human beings. And that combo was destined for hell on Earth.
Former Inmate / Patient #301269
He is as hard boiled and cold blooded as they come. A lion with a propensity for severe violence. Serving a life sentence for multiple capital murders for the vicious slayings of two men in a bar room room brawl.
He became the ring leader. A true manipulator who knew how to coerce the scientists experimenting on their prey without them knowing that they were being turned into the prey.
Former Inmate / Patient #301269